Project Update - Wood End Farmhouse

As part of our development of 75 new homes at Oak Tree Park in Shireoaks, Nottinghamshire, we took on a significant renovation and extension project of an existing farm house located in the middle of the development.

Wood End Farmhouse dates back to the 18th Century. We believe that the design and materials of the proposed alterations to Wood End Farmhouse respect the history, character and architectural detailing of this historic dwelling.


The Farmhouse is a vernacular building built of stone in coursed rubble with a clay pantile roof which has evolved by way of a series of additions and alterations in reaching its current form.

Our proposed extension to the home involves a contemporary two storey extension clad in cedar will provide an attractive modern contrast to the historical building. This has been born out of input from the planning and conservation team at Bassetlaw District Council and we believe that the contrast of the two storey cedar clad extension will add interest and architectural value to the entire building. We believe that it connects the history of the building with modern design.

Renovation works are ongoing and we expect the project to be completed in the Autumn of 2021.

Stancliffe Homes is a new home builder based in Chesterfield, Derbyshire. We focus on delivering high quality new homes throughout the midlands.


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