stancliffe homes premiere guarantee

Premier Guarantee

Your Building

Premier Guarantee is one of the largest providers of structural home warranties and building control services to the UK house building industry. We are proud to work alongside them, and all of our work is checked and passed according to building regulations which gives our customers the peace of mind that our work is of the highest standard.

Every Stancliffe home benefits from the Premier Guarantee 10 Year Warranty, which gives customers the added assurance that your home is covered by a structural warranty. A New Homes Warranty is designed to protect homeowners of newly built or refurbished properties in the first 10 years from structural defects. This is different to your standard building and contents insurance as it provides you with cover for a wide range of structural defects that could, although rarely, occur during the first ten years after your home is completed. 

Under this warranty, Stancliffe Homes, during the first 2 years, and Premier Guarantee during years 3 to 10 following completion, have defined responsibilities with regard to defects in materials or workmanship in your new home.

Please feel free to speak with a member of our customer services team for more details about anything relating to the Premier Guarantee or visit their website to find out more.

stancliffe homes - consumer code

Consumer Code for Home Builders

Our Promise

Stancliffe Homes is proud to be compliant with the Consumer Code for Home Builders and we want to do all we can to give you complete peace of mind when buying a new Stancliffe home. The Consumer Code for Home Builders applies to buyers who reserve to buy a new home built by a home builder under the insurance protection of one of the supporting Home Warranty Bodies, and sets good practice requirements that all home builders must meet.

The purpose of the Code is to ensure that our home buyers:

  • are treated fairly;

  • know what service levels to expect;

  • are given reliable information upon which to make their decisions; and

  • know how to access speedy, low cost dispute resolution arrangements if they are dissatisfied.