Success Story - Starter Homes Scheme

Our development of new homes at Chestnut Grove in Shireoaks features four homes offered at a 20% discount to their market value through the Government ‘Starter Home’ scheme.

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The ‘Starter Home Scheme’ was first announced by the Government back in 2019 to try and help people who live locally benefit from buying their first home with a 20% discount. The homes form part of the 15% ‘affordable housing’ contribution required as a condition of the planning approval by the Local Planning Authority and the costs of providing these are borne by Stancliffe Homes.

Stancliffe first listed these homes just 4 weeks ago, and we have been delighted with the level of interest received. All of the homes have been sold to first time buyers with ties to the district of Bassetlaw.

We feel homes under this scheme offer our buyers real value and given how quickly sales have been agreed on all of these homes, we’ll be looking to offer the scheme on our upcoming developments across the midlands.

We have future developments planned throughout Chesterfield, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire and hope to help more local people get on the housing ladder through these developments.


Help to Buy Update


Our Latest Development - Chestnut Grove